▄▀▄Sahabat Karib Saya▄▀▄

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lights off or on, nothing we do will make much difference.

Earth Hour?? Apelah???

I go to supermarket, people asking about earth hour, go to atm, earth hour lagi, listen to radio, earth hour lagi…..Now, everyone asyik talking about Earth Hour… My gosh.. I dunno what do u think about this, I think it just some propaganda about how to make other ppl to follow the environmentalist to shut down for one hour. Its not that I totally disagree BUT do you think this one hour will give some aspect of kesedaran to the people on earth..mommy suh tutup lampu pun malas kan..., If I shut down for one hour, then wat about the next hour, the next next hour or simply I said wat about the rest 8759 hour in the year. After the 28 march, I bet the people just doing back their normal thing like nothing happen on 28 and still smoke to pollute the earth, still cut down the trees, workshop masi lagi buang minyak itam di longkang… like yesterday never happen.

However, I hav to agree that by doing this campaign, Malaysian akan lebih sedar apa yang telah terjadi kepada bumi kter sekarang, sekurang2 rakyat boleh menyumbang sst yang boleh membantu bumi kiter yang makin binasa ni.... (Erm… jumpa sampah kt bandar, hang kutip tak??…)

One more things, by doing poster and banner about earth hour.. you need to cut down the tree to do it..then wat happen to the banner after 28, masuk dustbin keh? One more thing, if you using candle on that night lagilah pollute our earth cause in order to get the same light from candles as you would from 1 typical 60 watt light bulb you would put 20 times more Carbon Emissions into the Environment... how does this reduce our carbon footprint?

Now think about this, do you participate in Earth Hour because you really care for the earth or you think it's cool because everyone's doing it? Don't be a hypocrite, do it because you care!You can do your part by using grocery bags instead of plastic bags. I actually know one dude who doesn't use plastic bag when it's not necessary. Yeah, ONE only.Lastly, please loop Turn Off the Lights by Nelly Potato Furtado as loud as you can and contribute to noise pollution during that hour so other people will turn off their lights as well k...I've done flaming. Please do your part to save Earth by not flaming me. It generates heat.

I asking u not to follow “Earth Hour” but follow “Everyday Earth Hour”, maksudnya earth hour bukan 28 march jeh tapi 29, 30 n seterusnya..nak jeh kuar bilik, tutup terus semua suis …Even basuh baju pun, gunalah tangan jeh jgn guna washing machine ulak ..it will save more energy..believe me dude…

Friday, March 20, 2009

Motherhood (Top Seven Best Mom)

Today, i show your 7 images showing how tenderly (most) mothers care for their young ones. Siap susun ranking dah, dari gambo 1 sampai 7 ikut turutan untuk ibu yang paling penyayang...Sememangnya kasih sayang ibu mengatasi segala-galanya di dunia... semua mesti setuju ngan aku kan .... Termasuk lah gambar kat bawah ni...We start we the first pics...perghh..comel gler anak nyer...

Diikuti oleh...

Wah.. ibu harimau pun sayang anak nyer..terharunyer..

........no 7
Yang ni i have no comment pulak...hampe betol...

Creative ways to express your love…

Leave all behind the roses, card or chocolates, there is more creative and funny ways to show your in love together with you partner. Simple. Just go to the nearest T-shirt store and design shirt like above pictures… Orang dari 10 km jauh pun boleh nampak baju tu…dah taw korang berpasangan, tak yah heboh sini, heboh sana metro sini, kosmo sana haha… Sape nak dating ngan aku pun, sponsor ah dulu baju macam ni untuk aku… keke(syok sendiri...).. Summary yer... Teknik berdating sekarang dah semakin berubah..so kalau nak buat special sikit percintaan tu, boleh jeh design baju macam ni kan... takde hal punya lah ...^-^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Entry Relaxkan Minda...

1- erm,nk ckp cket neh kat awak.. bce NO 5
2- Mmmm..cmne ek nk ckp? Bce je la NO 8
3- nk taw ekh?erm,bce NO 9
4- huh,drpd pning bek bce jap NO 15
5- cmne ek nk ckp.. NO 17 je k..

6- kite nk ckp skg tp lbh bek bce NO 16
7- kite akn ckp tp bce dlu NO 2
8- yg kite nk ckp neh simple jek..tp bce dlu NO 4 k?
9- tak payah la b’debar2 cm2..cme bce jap NO 18
10- Blom lg la..bce NO 19 ye..
11- da pnt ekh? Bce jap NO 13
12- sbnrnye kite nk ckp klu….(ah bce no 3 la)
13- tgl cket jek lg bce NO 20

14- argh,pnt neh..bce NO 1
15- adush,dah pning dh ni.. bce la NO 6
16- lorh,msh ta phm lg kew? Bce NO 12
17- ades,nk ckp neh..bce NO 7
18- kite taktau klu awk phm..tlg bce NO 10
19. Baca NO 11 dgn tenang ye..nt awk akn taw..
20- oke2,skg kite ckp..bce NO 14, tp slow2

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cite ttg calon2 tapak kaki sinderela…(Entry X rasmi)

Unknown Tapak Kaki Label Xppm..
Dalam kebosanan Putera Makhota Ahmad Saiful dari negeri Pontian Zealand mendengar kuliah yang extremely BOSAN… akhirnya pembantunnya yang dikenali Merlin Ritz Ensem+ Comel telah berjaya menangkap gambar tapak kaki sinderella yg dijodohkannya untuknnya..tetapi tapak kaki tersebut tidak diketahui sape tuannya..dengan itu bermula pengembaraan PM Ahmad Saiful mecari tapak kaki tuannya, dengan hanya dibantu gambo tapak kaki tersebut adakah putera buangan tersebut dpt mencari jodohnnya…Setelah putera mencari dari pontian hinggalah ke tpt yg terindah di dunia iaitu Tawau Zealand akhirnya beliau telah berjaya ringkaskan 5 calon tapak kaki tersebut… Marila kiter discuskan calon-calonnya dgn diskripsi tentang ciri tapak kaki diorg….
Sheila …Tapak kaki penuh dengan permata made from plastic(kalau boleh kaki tu pun diperbuat permata plastic jugak)---Calon A

Nurain …Tapak kaki penuh ngan rantai mcm rantai motor, tapi rantai yang berbunyi ah…ala2 bollywood ---Calon B

Radhiah… Tapak
kaki saiz baby semut, baby semuat yang berumur 2 saat…(X sesuai jugak) --- Calon C

Fauziah…Color tapak kaki beza gler!! Macam ying dan yang… -- Calon D

Pikah….Er????? Ape nk kata yah? Ah tapak kaki selalu bogel lah(maksudnya kosong ah, jgn pikir benda laen pulak)---Calon E

Soalannya sape kah tuannya tapak kaki tersebut... Putera Makhota Ahmad Saiful very very stress skrg mencari tuannya sebab pontian island kekurang zuriat buat masa ni huhu...

Cite ni hanyalah fiksen semata-mata...khas untuk release tension jer...jgn serius sgt pulak percaya cite ni yeh...

Entry ini akan didelete selepas 3 hari...Hanya untuk tontonan umum sahaja .. U..sowy

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sleeping beauty cat version....

My teddy bear!!

Lubang idup tu coverlah sikit..malu per...

posisi tido paling menghairahkan...

Ops..mak kau terkejut!!

I am type of guy who easily adorable to cat.. haha .. cannot tahan myself to see their cutess!!! It is hard to resist the cuteness of a little fluffy creature that roll up on your knees and purrs from joy... There are friends that don like to bother us except dinner lah.. dinner time jeh memang tepat kat bawah meja makan tu minta sedekah haha... One nasihat from me if u want to get a cat..If you would like to become a cat's owner you should remember that you can never become its master. Cats can share their intimacy with you only if it considers that you deserve trust. You can neither buy cat's soul, nor impress it with things you have. But once you gained the confidence of a cat - it will prefer your company to any other in the world. What other relations can give us such a reliability, faithfulness and encouragement?..right!! Kalau jumpa kucig tepi jalan tu, jangan lah sepak... bagi ar makanan keh kalau ada... kesian taw, kucing tu ada anak 5 ekor lagi tu nak jaga... renung2 kan lah huhu Which u think is the cutest sleeping cat amongs all...!!
Siap ada bantal busuk lagi ^-^
Comel jugak!
Pergggghhh...comel gler!!

Hah! Tangkap basah huhu..
Attention: After a several research done, it is believe that by looking all this cat pictures will release 70% of your tension...tipo jer huhu...

Friday, March 6, 2009