Have you ever wonder???
If only we had Malaysian Blogger's Days....
So that...
We can all meet our virtual blogger in one place...
we can meet them in one time...
We can sit down and have a coffee with them...
we can ask them how can they create such a great blogs to read....
we can appreciate n simply said thanks you for creating a blog for me to read...
Just simply thanks you....
I writing not to to get popular but instead want to encourage you to take a moment to comment another blogger and to thank them for something that you’ve appreciated about what they’ve done lately....
Richeal Phil @ Ritz...
P/s: I was thinking this idea because....er er errrr... I oledi fall in love with some of the handwriting of their blogs.... really touched with the blog.....
setuju dgn cdangan awak..
Malaysia Blogger's Day..
sounds great..
bagus gak idea tue...
bleh gak kenal2 ngn yang laen..
tak lah.. menomel dlm blog je kan..??
like that too...
well, i think they have la, but only in certains city.. like kk blogger day, tawau blogger day.. mayb they got also in west malaysia.. maybe u shoul host 1 ritz.. hehe..;p
mcm best jer kan?
To [z@ck]...
Thanks.. someday we must celebrate it haha...nanti i send letter ngan gov tu mintak public holiday hari tu yeh huhu
to puterahati...
ah betol3, entah entah kat publik lagilah advance menomel nyer kah huhu
to FERDAUSferdy...
same here..
to fARahyma_with_LOVE...
kk blogger say?? adakah?/ tak ajak pun ...sedihnyer ...huhu
to cIk JanNah ...
Best memang giler taw .. tapi apakah daya hanya satu cadangan kan kan kan
u can start with a smaller group of bloggers en.Ritz...establish a club per se...
eventually, the number of bloggers shall be getting bigger & bigger from time to time....
that's how they got the kk's & tawau's...
agaknya lah....kahkahkah...
y dun u organize it?
WOW~ tis wil b ur BIGGEST event ever..! >.<
it's not impossible..! i'll b there too.. ^.^
can u put a chat box in ur blog?
rich..aku stujue..
apa2 hal ko gtau aku, apa yg aku leh tolong...
to alhariesz...
yeap, i will try to consider ot hehe
I see 1st.. i will try to plan 1st.. u think i'm so free now meh... halo i'm at FYP aka final year project now. huhu
to puterahati..
Cool ...
semangant giler, nak jumpa awek blog yeh huhu..
Thanks anyway
rich..hampeh jer..
mane ader!! keciwa aku ko ckp camtue.....(wlwpun sbnrnya mmg ada niat pun nak jumpa awek2 blogger...hahahaha)
to puterahati...
eleh... tak mengaku pulak... tapi yang lawa mesti arghh aku booking dulu hehe..
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