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Dunia fanatic necktie, that what I want to consider myself, orang laen sibuk kumpul setem, coin, anak patung, key chain and bla bla bla…. As for myself, my passion still for necktie.. tak kisahlah from Rm5 necktie to hundred over necktie, it its attract me, I grap it… wat so special about this necktie, well first sebab dye panjang dan slim kot… berbanding setem tu dalah pendek, kontot dan lebar macam ‘SXXXXX’(Teka ah sendiri, takut dikarate kang..),,keke… Secondly maybe it design different from other, cute dan comel macam ‘RXXZ @ RIXXXAL PHXX’ (yang ni takyah teka dah taw dah sape…huhu), the necktie more simpler more special lol,!! Third..repeat step one to two reason lol(malas nak tulis panjang sbb mengantuk..ZZZzzz).. sape nak gadai necktie nyer bagitaw jeh lah yeh,, maybe I want to bought it, tapi harga pun aderlah diskaun persahabatan sebanyak 70% lah yeh kekeke… dah, p maen tepi, nak tido ni…Zzzzz
em, nk citer psl ko punyer hobi je ke.ko punyer perli tu x pedas sgt la..len kali kasik lbh pedas,tmbh cili padi lbh ckit...ape2pun slmt memajukan blog ko ni...hihihihi.ble da update blog tu bgtau la..
CiK Ain, Kang pedas jadi isu pulak huhu
aku suka neck tie juga...
tapi aku tak pandai ikat...huhuhu~
mana nak carik nect tie lawa2 n kecik2 camneh.... puas aku carik wes... xjumpe2 pon... hew hew hew...
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